Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2020


This year a QA team from vpTech were able to participate to the 12th edition of the French Testing Software and IT Quality Software Days.

This is the best conference of the French Testing Community, hosted by CFTL which is the most known French committee in charge of providing international training certifications regarding Quality Assurance and Requirements engineering. Despite the current covid context, it still remains a refreshing and prestigious place to meet experts and confront our vision of the quality assurance and the vpTech experience with all the stakeholder of this community. This year the event reunited 680 attendees, more than 30 sponsors and 20 different talks divided in 2 journeys.

The team was pleased to see that conferences were performed by distinguished companies such as LVMH, Seloger or Orange covering the trendy IT Assurance Quality topics such as Agile Testing, Automation, Development Driven methods, IA for tests, Continuous testing, TMMI and QA softskills.

Here an overview of our QAs top 3 talks:

The “Artificial Intelligence to assist exploratory tests” conference and the brand new AIFEX tool presented by Xavier Blanc, it turns out to be one the most accomplished tool to upgrate the User Acceptance tests coverage with a minimum of testing efforts.

“The Non Regression Tests with machine learning and logs” conference using the up-to-date Orbiter tool and presented by Julien Botella from Smartesting. The only known tool until that enable maintaining testing legacy in an agile testing context by identifying similar and redundant tests scenario and steps definition.

The interested “Business Driven Testing: l’ADN du test LVMH PCIS” presented by Johann Gaggero from LVMH discovered for us an approach which combine end to end business use cases in a multi-brand international context, which seem to be the closest business from Veepee’s on this conference day.

Special mention to Michaël Pilaeten who hosted the keynote “Agile Transitions from the trenches: 7 lessons learned”, it’s always a good thing to put into perspective the testing foundations regarding the nowadays methodologies.

Glad to realize that the vpTech QA community is pretty much up to speed with the latest methods to manage quality in an agile context we’re looking forward to attending the next edition in September 2021, and maybe one day not so far from now, lead our QA engineers to present the trendy vpTech QA experience and accomplishment.




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